
Prom Advice



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   High school is a process of four wonderful years enriched with positive and negative experiences that bring about wonderful memories that you will hold very dear to your heart. Every year in high school is different you face different challenges either with friends classes etc. but you try to make the best of it and learn something from it. Although I have to say that one of the most exciting years in your high school career is your senior year. Why you must be asking yourself?
   I mean don't get me wrong the other years are just as fun but your senior year is different because once the second semester of high school is over you say goodbye fun and games and hello life !!! to tell you the truth its scary but before we even get to that stage there is a lot of fun activities we are provided through out the year first semester not really but second semester its all fun and games.
    For example we have the Senior Picnic, PROM, Senior Fashion Show, PROM, Senior Prank, PROM, Senior Ditch Day PROM, PROM, PROM and PROM!!!!!   
    People have waited for this event for years and when that day comes it goes by fast so enjoy  it and make the best of it because it only comes around once in your life time try to spend with friends and people whose company you enjoy but most importantly take lots of Pictures!!

                                                                                                             --The Editor

A little bit of Prom History
  What is Prom?
 First lets start by defining what the word prom means prom is short for promenade or promotion its a school dance of culmination. Depending the school that you assist many times they hold a junior prom and a senior prom. Many of these events occur by fundraising for the course of four years. Although we would like to know what you think and what was your experience share it with us !!!!




Unforgettable Amazing     Good     Could have been better


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This site was last updated 06/18/07