Don't spend that much on your prom dresses you
don't have to spend a fortune to look good.
Don't worry if you get to the prom and another girl
has your same dress or if you don't want to buy a certain dress
because you fear others will have it that's a given another person
might have it but it doesn't matter because you make the dress look
If your going to get your dress done do it with a
lot of time before the event because if you don't your dress might
not come out how you want it too.
If your getting your dress made make sure you are
on top of it don't just let it be because then they don't put as
much interest in it.
Take comfortable high heels or else you wont be
able to walk by the end of the night.
Ladies its all about comfort and looking good don't
get caught in the crowd of girls that end up dancing with their high
heels on its not sanitary and it looks tacky.
Make sure that you are well aware of the
things you may need to purchase for your date such as a corsage and
a boutonnière. Don't forget because some people do!!!
Guys make sure your tuxes fit well so you can be
comfortable or else you'll be thinking about it all night.
Make sure you return your tuxes A.S.A.P
because some tuxedo rental places charge a fee if you don't return
it the next day and you don't want to end up paying that.
Tips for the wise
Start saving money for the big day.
Buy your yearbook cap and gown and other things you
might need with time.
Don't leave anything last minute.
If your taking a limo make sure you are getting
your moneys worth and collect the money from everyone a day before.
Have a plan where will you meet what time and know
what you guys will do after prom.
Don't make a big deal out of prom don't expect it
to be something out of this world because it you might not be what
you expect but hopefully it is.
Don't waste so much money on prom night I know you
must be saying but its a once in a lifetime thing keep it very
simple have a budget so you have enough to take pictures and other
things you want to do after prom has passed.